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Welcome To Mane Solutions

Mane Solutions was founded in 2006 by the parents of a young girl with autism. They saw the many benefits their daughter received and wanted to help others have similar experiences. In 2008, they acquired property at 312 Five Forks Road, Anderson, SC and began to collect appropriate horses and started renovating the buildings, arenas and pastures. In 2009, they hired their first instructor, and qualified as a 50l(c) 3 organization.

Our Mission

To provide individualized equine related therapies and experiences to children and adults with emotional, physical, cognitive, behavioral, or social challenges and to use natural horsemanship techniques to promote a philosophy of partnership, dignity, and mutual benefit for both horse and rider.  

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Therapeutic Riding

Horseback riding is recognized as one of the most beneficial forms of therapy for individuals with physical disabilities. Developed in Germany in the late 1960’s, therapeutic riding has been successfully practiced in Europe, Canada and the United States. For the physically impaired, riding a horse can play a significant role in rehabilitation. A horse’s gait is similar to the locomotion of the human pelvic area. Riding helps strengthen spine and pelvic muscles, as well as, provide all the criteria of low-level aerobics. The discipline needed to master riding improves the rider both mentally and physically. Frequently a strong bond develops between the horse formed between students, instructors, and volunteer assistants can provide lifelong friendships and rich rewards for everyone involved in this endeavor.

Therapeutic Lessons